Shamandala Services

Shamanic Healing With Raina Imig

Powerful transformation through shamanic healing, ancestor connection, Reiki and spiritual courses in Portland’s historic Alberta Arts district

Begin Your Healing

Everyone has different needs when it comes to deep and powerful healing. Raina has a wealth of different healing modalities, and your individual session may combine shamanic work, Reiki and energy healing, intuitive guidance, ancestor connection, angel card readings and more.

“Working with [Raina] I have experienced such significant growth and freedom from some longstanding chains in my life. She helped me access strength, wisdom and such a feeling of belonging like I’ve never experienced in my life”

-Beth KS.


45 Minute Phone


One Hour


90 Minute


Two Hour
In-Person Session


Five Hour
In-Person Series



Raina Imig is a Reiki Master and LMP (Licensed Master Practitioner) Shamanic Healer. She has been practicing healing work in Portland Oregon since 1997.

Do you have questions about this work or want more information about a class or booking a session?

Please email or fill out the contact form to set an appointment or time to talk.

1829 NE Alberta St. Suite 7A

Portland, OR

Raina works remotely and can offer all these healings over the phone to people anywhere in the ountry and the world. Her practice has reached Canada, India, France and South Africa.

Connect on Facebook or send an email for all current events and courses offered